Our Services

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Idaho Indoor Air - Nampa, ID - dryer vent cleaning service

Dryer Vent Cleaning

Dryer fires are the main cause of house fires in the United States. Many dryer fires are caused by obstructed dryer vents. You can count on Idaho Indoor Air to professionally inspect and clean your dryer vents.

At Idaho Indoor Air, we don’t want you or your home to be another statistic. When you hire us, we will conduct a thorough inspection and professionally clean your dryer vent.

After we clean your dryer vent, you can look forward to:

  • Improved dryer airflow and performance
  • Extended life of your dryer
  • Faster drying of your clothes
  • Avoiding expensive repairs
  • Prevention of a possible dryer fire
Call for Your Dryer Vent Cleaning Now
Dirty air vent
Don't let this be part of the air you and your family breathe.

Air Duct Cleaning

Air ducts are the complete air circulation system in your home. Your heating and cooling systems go through the air ducts of your home. If there is dust and debris in your air ducts (which there usually is), you are breathing in the dust and debris in your air ducts. Contact Idaho Indoor Air to get your air ducts clean and get you and your family breathing cleaner, healthier air.

Cleaning your air ducts yields many benefits such as:

  • Improved air freshness and smell
  • Reduced allergens in the air you breath in your home
  • Improved overall indoor air quality
  • Increased energy efficiency due to less dirt and debris going through filters
  • Enhanced overall health and well-being
  • Lower operational and maintenance costs
Call Now for Cleaner Air
Idaho Indoor Air - Nampa, ID - Furnace Cleaning Service

Furnace Cleaning

Your furnace controls the heating of your home. It contains a filter, circulates your home air and generates heat in your home. As the air is circulating, dust and debris can get deposited in your furnace. If the furnace isn't cleaned annually, that dust and debris accumulates and becomes part of the air you breathe in your home. Furnace cleaning is part of Idaho Indoor Air's whole home air cleaning service. Contact us today.

Some benefits of cleaning your furnace annually include:

  • Added longevity, efficiency and functionality of your HVAC system
  • Improved air quality for you and your family and friends to breathe
  • Reduced energy costs due to better HVAC efficiency and functionality
Call Today for a More Efficient Functioning Furnace
Idaho Indoor Air - Nampa, ID - Mold Remediation

Mold Remediation

Mold in your home is often undetected and can cause serious respiratory issues. Idaho Indoor Air will inspect your home and crawl space for mold and remediate if necessary, leaving you with a new air space that can change your life.

Some symptoms indicating you may have mold in your home include:
  • Breathing problems
  • Runny nose and congestion
  • Sneezing
  • Coughing
  • Sore throat
  • Skin rash
  • Headaches
  • Wheezing

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms or know you have mold in your home, contact Idaho Indoor Air immediately for mold inspection and remediation.
Call Now for Cleaner Air
Idaho Indoor Air - Nampa, ID crawl space inspection

Crawl Space Inspection

Your home's crawl space is the space under your home that houses the structural foundation of your home and often other important home utilities such as water softener, water pump, etc. It is the space between your home and the bare ground. Obviously, this affects the air of your home.  Idaho Indoor Air can inspect your crawl space and make sure it is optimal for the air you breath in your home.

Common crawl space concerns include:

  • Moisture
  • Mold
  • Ventilation
  • Rodents
  • Asbestos

Call Idaho Indoor Air today to make sure your crawl space is safe for the best air quality for your home.
Call Today to Make Sure Your Crawl Space is Safe
Idaho Indoor Air - Nampa, ID - crawl space moisture barrier installation

Vapor Barrier Installation

Having a properly installed vapor barrier in the crawl space of your home is important to keep moisture from the ground from causing serious problems with the structure of your home as well as preventing mold build up in your crawl space affecting the air in your home you and your friends and family breathe. Call Idaho Indoor Air today to inspect your crawl space and install a proper moisture barrier if necessary.

Some benefits of a properly installed crawl space vapor barrier are:

  • Prevent moisture in your crawl space that can cause many problems with your home and the air you breathe
  • Increased home efficiency
  • Better air quality in your home
  • Avoid structural damage to your home due to moisture
  • Preventing mold and mildew
  • Discourage rodents and other pests
  • Savings on energy bills
  • Easier access to your crawl space
  • Decrease odors in your home

Call Idaho Indoor Air today for your crawl space vapor barrier installation.
Call Today for Your Vapor Barrier Installation
Idaho Indoor Air - Nampa, ID - Air Duct Cleaning Service

Air Duct Sanitizing

Air duct sanitizing isn't necessary for homes that have no issues with allergies, nose bleeds or similar issues. But if your family does have any of these issues, Idaho Indoor Air can sanitize your air ducts with a hospital-grade, EPA-approved spray. Your home will smell so clean and fresh afterward. Consider your and your friends' and families' health and call us today for your whole home air cleaning.

Some benefits of air duct sanitizing are:

  • Kills mold spores and prevents them from regrowing
  • Reduces the spread of bacteria
  • Helps remove animal scents
  • Improves overall air quality of your home

Especially if you or anyone in your home has allergy or nose bleed issues, contact Idaho Indoor Air today for your whole home air cleaning with air duct sanitization. Let us help you and your family breathe cleaner air today.
Call Now to Get Your Air Ducts Cleaned & Sanitized
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